Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3rd, 4th wedding and a baby shower

A very "xi" weekend this was. Kelvin and Heike, Brian and Janice, Baby Jonas.

Baby Jonas celebrated his full month today!! Altho he's really just 3 wks old, bt apparently it's better to celebrate early than late. Some chinese tradition again. Ching Lien and Shermin brought baby Larissa and Charmaine brought her kids too. So cute to see so many kids around tho I'm not very used to it. Then Sky passed baby Jonas to me! Ask me to carry so that my girl and her boy is not "easily jealous". I have nvr carried a baby before. So naturally I had stiff arms while he wriggled around. Damn scared he might roll off!! Then she passed to Henson. His fatherly instincts surfaced and he started playing with bb Jonas. So cute. Didnt knw my husband is actually so fatherly. Very happy and relieve too. At least I knw that one of us dares to handle a soft little bb. =p

Brian and Janice got ROM-ed!! Left Gen. Hopefully she also faster la. Think she also can't wait. Every wedding just makes her wanna get hitched fast. Brian teared when the solemnizer read the vows. Both me n Pris smack our husbands and asked why they nvr tear. Stupid Henson say Brian tear cuz it's the end of freedom. tmd.

Uploaded 1 pix so bb girl can see my tummy size! =D

Only took 1 picture at Kelvin and Heike's wedding!! So irritating!! I think also cuz my mood was shitty on that day. Covered up pretty well till abit later. Went for drinks at Harry's cuz Bel was working so got some family discount thr. Haha. Next time can bring bb go. So while we hang out and chat she can slp in her stroller. SO CUTE!!!!!!


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