Friday, April 3, 2009

Check up @ 32 wks!

Baby Natalie is 1.85kg at 32 wks! And I've hit 53.4kg. Still ok la. =) No pictures anymore cuz she's too big to fit in 1 single photo and it's blur anyway. so yea. She's in small-medium range still and her size is gd fir for me to pop! Head's down already but not engaged yet. Edd remains tho the other girls have their edds forwarded. Jean's however was pushed further back. Strange.

Been having the BH lately tho there's no pain yet. Also got those sharp shooting pains in the pelvic area. Think bb moving down there. Ah Khi say it's ok as long as no pain. Next visit is 3 more wks! Think I can eat a little bit of durian now?? =p


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