Monday, April 27, 2009

My body parts

This is a picture of my feet when it's swollen. It doesn't look too bad but in case it gets worse, I want to remember that it's nvr been THAT swollen before!

Also, pixes of my belly at 35wks!!! Went for scan and doc says that bb could be a bit big for me to deliver at full term. Wants me to consider popping earlier. I-N-D-U-C-E. *gasp*

My weight increased 400gm, and the little one, 700gm!!!!!! Whr the heck she managed to absorb 700gm from me!!!! Pengz. Now she is 2.5kg @ 35 kg. Today was the first time I felt like being bigger sized is much better. So, next visit at 37 wks, doc will tell me if she needs to be induced. =/ *cross fingers*


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